- #Foot pedal not working with express scribe mac os x
- #Foot pedal not working with express scribe pdf
- #Foot pedal not working with express scribe serial
- #Foot pedal not working with express scribe upgrade
- #Foot pedal not working with express scribe portable
You get a free upgrade if we follow your suggestion. Software SuggestionsIf you have any suggestions for improvements to Express Scribe Transcription Software, or suggestions for other related software that you might need, please post it on our Suggestions page at Many of our software projects have been undertaken after suggestions from users like you. If your problem is not covered in this user guide please view the up-to-date Express Scribe Transcription Software Online Technical Support at If that does not solve your problem, you can contact us using the technical support contacts listed on that page. Technical SupportIf you have difficulties using Express Scribe Transcription Software please read the applicable topic before requesting support.
#Foot pedal not working with express scribe pdf
#Foot pedal not working with express scribe portable

#Foot pedal not working with express scribe serial
Select 'vPedal vP-1 (Serial)' if you are using a VPE serial foot pedal. You can purchase alternative pedals through. We would like to offer this capability, but Olympus sees us as a competitor and are not interested in providing us with the necessary technical information that would allow this to happen. Select 'VEC Infinity IN-DB9 (Serial)' if you are using a VEC serial foot pedal. Olympus foot pedals generally do not work with Express Scribe.Select the option 'Select a controller type manually', then click Next.Plug the pedal in and restart the computer.If it contains 25 pins then you will need an adaptor. Locate the COM port socket at the back of your computer.Setting up the VEC FPVECDB9 or the VPE FPVPEDB9 for Express Scribe is easy. Professional Foot Pedal VEC/VPE DB9 (Serial Port) Setup To setup your VPE / VPedal USB pedal, you should follow the instructions as provided for the VEC Foot Pedal above. The foot pedal is "talking" to Windows correctly.Press Rewind on the foot pedal, the display will light Button 1.Press Fast Forward on the foot pedal, the display will light Button 2.Press Play on the foot pedal, the display will light Buttons 1 & 2.Click OK and from the Controllers tab select Properties and choose the Test tab.If you cannot see 'Game Controllers' on Windows XP, you may have to click on 'Printers and Other Hardware' before you can see 'Game Controllers'. On the Controllers tab, click on 'Add' and enable Galy USB Joystick (if it is not already there).

Go to Start -> Control Panel and select 'Game Controllers'.To setup your VPE / VPedal USB pedal, you must firstly ensure that the pedal is talking properly to Windows: It is a two step process, but if you have already completed USB setup or Games Port setup then please ignore Stage 1. Setting up the FPVPEUSB for Express Scribe is easy. Professional Foot Pedal by VPE (USB) Setup Otherwise, you can also go into the Options -> Controller tab and run the foot pedal configuration tool.
#Foot pedal not working with express scribe mac os x
The pedals should now be correctly installed.įor Mac OS X version of Express Scribe 5.02 and later - See the above instructions.įor Mac OS X version of Express Scribe 5.02 and earlier - just plug them into the USB socket and run Express Scribe and they will be detected normally.